Friday, July 31, 2015

Belgium in Control

Before the Europeans arrived in Rwanda, the elite group of Rwandans was the Tutsi people (also known as Batutsi), who were cattle herders and military chiefs. The rest of the population was made up of Hutu (or Bahutu) and Twa (or Batwa) peasant farmers. (1) Although the relationship between the king and current population was unequal, the relationship between  the Tutsi, Hutu ad Twa was beneficial for both parties. There was respect between the different groups. (1)

"In 1899 Rwanda became a German colony" (1). But following World War I, Rwanda became under the administration of Belgium in 1919. So during this colonial period that Rwanda was under the control of Germany and Belgium, a cash crop system was introduced (1).

In short, European involvement in Rwanda has been a massive agent in the direction that the country has taken for over 100 years. I say this because to this day there is wide spread division and racism amongst the Tutsi and Hutu people. At first, Belgium favored the wealthy elite Tutsi. However, when the demand for independence began (majorly supported by the leading Tutsi) Belgium decided to favor the Hutu instead. Then in 1959, "the first massacres of the Tutsi occurred at the hands of the Hutu political party and under the authority of Belgium" (1). It has been an ongoing battle ever since.

According to Eyes on Africa (2), the actual first European visitors to Rwanda were Portuguese explorers who were following slave trader routes inland throughout Africa. Alongside the conquest and colonialization of Rwanda came with it a definite religious aspect. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism were introduced, and are now the prominent religions in the nation. That brought with it certain understandings of gospel and Jesus, but seemingly little understanding of the term “Prince of Peace” or peacemaker. While Christianity can and should be a very peaceful religion, Germany and Belgium introduced a version of Christianity that also added extra elements such as control, abuse of power and ranking the worth of certain people groups. All of these things, I believe Jesus would take grave issue with (pun intended)!


1. .  Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Pre-Colonial and Colonial. Rwanda Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. 2010.

2.  Eyes on Africa Ltd. Rwanda History and General Information. 2015.

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